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NB. Using the 'Site Search Engine' can NOT be used, to look for ancestor names on tombstone abstracts. Those details are dynamically generated on request and are therefore not searchable.
This index consists of limited data abstracted from the volumes, in the series 'The Forgotten Tombstones of Moray', prepared by the Moray Burial Ground Research Group. It is an index only, and for full details of the inscription, and scale drawings of the individual stones, reference should be made to the relevant publication. Should you require a photographic record of a particular stone, please contact us for details as to availability. You should remember that many of these stones were buried, and after recording the data, were re-turfed and in those cases are no longer available for casual inspection.
The index includes, a unique stone identifier for each churchyard, and where possible, the name, age and year of death, of every individual whose name is recorded on the stone. Individual names on each stone are indexed by year, as an aid to genealogical research, and are not necessarily the order recorded on the stone. Where appropriate short explanatory notes are included. Dates are not always available, for example where the name refers to an individual who erected the stone in his lifetime.
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the index, errors may occur, and you are advised to consult the full published transcripts if in doubt.
It is a normal convention to use uppercase names in monumental inscription recording, but as this is an index only, this convention has not been used here, and normal initial capitalisation has been adopted for names. Spelling of names such as Iames or Iane for 'James' or 'Jane' have been listed in the more common form for ease of use, but original spelling as inscribed on the stone is included in parentheses. The term 'nonage' is commonly inscribed on older stones, and refers to 'the time of life before a person becomes of age; legal immaturity; minority' (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913).
What is not included in the main indices:
You may notice that there are gaps in the main stone index lists, implying that some stones are not included in this index. These gaps represent stones with no specific names discernable, though perhaps containing a valuable record of emblems of mortality and/or initials. Such stones, and 'masons blocks' showing little detailed information, are included in the publication, and are listed here separately, under 'Misc stones with initials only'.
Additional information:
Full references to the Volumes in this series, and links to churchyard location maps, can be found under 'Publications'.
Should you require further information, or have comments to make on this index, or individuals included in it, please ' Contact Us' or leave a comment in the 'Guest Book'.
Your feedback is always welcome.
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