Moray Burial Ground Research Group - MBGRG - Template

The Moray Burial Ground Research Group

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Contact Details & General Information

Should you wish to contact the Group, or are interested in becoming a Member or Associate Member, the following information may help you.  Details of the different categories of membership etc can be found below

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Contacts: Chairman Stephen Leitch

  Secretary Ruth McIntosh

  Field Work Coordinator Helen Mitchell, FSA Scot

  Treasurer Beverly Marsden

  Fundraiser Ruth McIntosh

  Webmaster Deborah McPherson

Aims/Activities: Research and recording of burial sites in Moray. Publication of monumental inscriptions and other research results. Further information can be found in the report on "The Forgotten Tombstones of Moray".
Membership Membership is only £10 per annum, renewable on 1st March each year. Please click here to download the application form (pdf format), or 'Contact Us' and we will send a copy to you.
Membership Restrictions: Field work may be unsuitable for people with severe mobility problems, due to difficult terrain, and site access limitations. Wheelchair access at many field-work sites may be very limited.
Age Group(s): Prospective members under the age of 18 years should contact us, for further details.
Field Work: Locations, dates and times, as arranged by the Field Work Coordinator.
Equipment Available: As specified and approved by the Moray Burial Ground Research Group, and as described in our "Handbook for Volunteers." Specialist tools such as "Probes" and "Nylon Trowels" have been examined and approved by Historic Scotland. You are not required to provide any tools or equipment unless you wish to do so as these are all available on site.

Date last modified: Tue 28 May 24